Three dimentional work/installations
Three dimensional work including installations - incorporating printmaking techniques in some cases
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Echoes of Repetition : Trace Imprint, North Light Mill, UK - 2015

Something Was Absent I, Villages Studios, Heysham,UK

Something Was Absent II, etchings, magnets.Villages Studios,Heysham UK

Unstable Transience-etching on Kozo Japanese paper, solo show, Kendal Museum

Fold/Unfold, double sided etchings attached, with magnets

Grouped- installation part of solo exhibition,SCARIFICATION-at The Peoples Gallery, Kendal Museum, Cumbria. Cylindrical etching with magnets , hanging over mirrors

Etched plaster, with etching inks

Etched plaster, with etching inks

Ancient and Geologic

3-sheet Kozo relief printed installation, suspended and back-lit

Several cylidrical etched printmaking paper attached and held by magnets